My name is Alex and I have obtained my private pilot license in Guatemala in December 2011. In April 2015 I have obtained the US FAA instrument rating. Since being a student pilot and continuing to date, I have been searching the Internet for useful information about general aviation, specifically for Guatemala. This site is intended to provide some region-specific information about general aviation. I strongly believe that more information increases security greatly. The idea is to share useful information with other local and visiting pilots and have more experienced pilots share their knowledge. I don’t claim to be an expert (500 hours and counting), so please help me share your knowledge and make flying in Guatemala as enjoyable as it is challenging.
This webpage was developed in English, since it reaches a much broader audience. The topics here are interesting mostly for active pilots who have to have a minimum understanding for English anyways!
Feel free to send me an email to info (at)
excelente pagina, yo tambien vuelo en el acg!
Que bueno que te guste… cualquier sugerencia siempre es bienvendida! Saludos y buen vuelo!
Saludos Alex, como te va? Espero todo bien. Fijate que desde diciembre empecé ya mis horas pràcticas, llevo casi las 9hrs completadas. Estoy volando en el TG- KOZ principalmente, pero me ha gustado bastante el DAY y el ACG. Procuro variar horas entre los tres para conocer diferentes aeronaves. Te felicito por mantener actualizado el website, tiene información muy útil. En estos meses espero pedir el Aera 795/796 y te molesto si me ayudás a configurarlo con info que me sea útil. Espero antes de octubre completar las 40 o 50 hrs. Estamos platicando, saludos.
Hola Juan J.,
claro me dices como te puedo ayudar. Lo primero que te recomiendo es bajar el archivp gpx, guardarlo en la tarjeta de memoria de tu equipo GPS, ponerla, iniciar el GPS y ver la mapa. Ya te deben aparecer todas las pistas de Guatemala que tengo en el listado. Cualquier cosa me dices…
Hi Alex,
Sorry to bother you, but I wonder if I might ask you a quick question. I am a UK PPL, hoping that whilst I’m out in Guatemala, until mid July, that I could take an aircraft up (probably with an instructor), to do a site seeing trip. Is there any chance you know of any clubs/fields in the Antigua, Lake area that might allow me to do this. I brought by license and log book just in case. Thank you so much for any advice you might be able to share.
Kind regards
Hi Charles,
I will send you an email…
I have sent you an email to the addres that you have left with the comment. Let me know if you have not received the email and I am happy to send you an email to another address if needed.
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I wonder about flights from the city to Rio Dulce – are there any private commercial operations?
there are no scheduled flights between the city and Rio Dulce. The Rio Dulce runway is a private airstrip and only accessible for Members of the Aeroclub de Guatemala. But there might be charter companies being able to arrange something through a member of special permissions.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for taking the initiative to do this page! I am a USA private pilot working on my instrument rating, but I am in Guatemala on missions and am interested in doing some flying here. Can you give me some more info on the laws here?
Hi Chris,
let me know when you are here and might be able to take you along. If you want to fly yourself I can send you a contact of a US FAA CFI. The problem is to getting a US registered plane for rent. Not aware about a C172 or C182 that is registered in the US and for rent. The other option if you come here quite a bit is to have your FAA license validated in Guatemala. I don’t know what that process looks like but the same CFI might be able to help. I will send you his contact via email.
Hello, I am an american pilot who will be visiting Guatemala in September. I am interested in renting an aircraft and flying for pleasure while I am visiting. Is it possible under Guatemalan law to do so? Do you have any recommendations or resources that could help?
Hi Justin,
I have sent you an email.
Talk soon!