Rio Dulce

Type Private Field
Coordinates N15 40.139′, W88 57.783′
Elevation (Ft) 49
Runway Heading 12-30
Runway Length 3020
Frequencies Communications on Unicom 123.00
Additional Info Private asphalted airstrip managed by Aeroclub Guatemala. Members of the Aeroclub Guatemala can fly there without advanced notice. Guests have to contact the Aeroclub and pay a fee beforehand.

Most of the times runway 30 is used for landing and 12 for takeoff. When approaching 30 you will fly downhill , watch out for high approach. There are also some high-tension electricity lines that have recently been built to look out for.
IMPORTANT! In the afternoon a strong wind starts blowing from the north east, generating substantial cross-wind. These winds usually calm down between 4:00 and 5:00 PM.

Most aircrafts arrive from La Aurora – MGGT. From Guatemala City the typical route will go to Sanarate, Gualan, Rio Dulce. Guatemala Radio 126.90 will release you from their frequency in Gualan, 40 NM from Rio Dulce. Once on the Rio Unicom Frequency 123.00, I usually report 40 NM, 30 NM, 20 NM, 10 NM, 5 NM Castillo San Felipe and the pattern for runway 30: left downwind, left base and final.

Almost everyone takes off from runway 12. Some turn right after takeoff, but most turn left. I report the same distances as above when leaving and tune into Guatemala Radio at 40 NM from Rio Dulce in or abeam Gualan.


Here are some videos of flights and to Rio Dulce:

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